
01243 512731


Chichester, PO20 7EJ

Chichester Marina (Premier): Chichester Marina offers over 1,000 berths, luxury facilities, a new boatyard, storage ashore, a slipway, cafe and quality WiFi that’s free for berth holders. Electricity is metered and charged separately. Annual Small Boat Offer for vessels less than 6.5m.

Chichester Marina

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Marina group: Premier Marinas
Berth depth (MLWS): 2m
Approach depth (MLWS): 0.8m
Access restrictions: Access is via a lock - on demand
VHF channel(s): 80
Toilets: Y
Showers: Y
Laundry: Y
WiFi: Y
Diesel: Y
Petrol: Y
Gas: Y
Lift-out: 65 tonnes
Chandlery: Y
Café/Restaurant: Y
Shop: Y
TYHA member: 5 Gold Anchors
TransEurope member: N
Number of berths: 1080
Average price per metre: £471.34
Discounts available: N
Harbour dues included: N
Water: Y
Power: Y
Parking per day: £0.00