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Keep up to date with the latest information from this website with our free RSS feeds. By subscribing to our feeds you can automatically get links to the latest articles as soon as they’re posted.

Welcome to RSS

RSS lets you condense a mountain of information from different sources into more palatable bite-sized chunks. RSS feeds let you quickly and easily hone the information arriving on your desktop to reflect the topics you’re really interested in.

But what actually is an RSS feed?

An RSS feed most commonly consists of a headline, link and a description delivered in an XML (Extensible Markup Language) file format, which actually looks a lot like a stripped-down web page document. Some also include pictures and related links.

How do I access an RSS feed?

There are three common ways to access RSS feeds:

– Use software such as NewsGator (PC) or NetNewsWire (Mac) (both from or NewzCrawler (

– Use websites such as Google Reader ( or Bloglines (

– Use a customized homepage such as MyYahoo ( or Google (

– Use your web browser to handle RSS feeds directly – Firefox, Opera,
Internet Explorer 7 and Safari can all be used to access RSS feeds.

Where do I find RSS feeds?

Spotting RSS feeds is easy once you know what you’re looking for. You’ll generally see a small orange graphic, sometimes with the letters RSS or XML on it. It may even just be a plain line of text or URL. I’ve found an RSS feed, what next?

The latest web browsers will display a lit-up orange RSS logo – click this and follow the instructions. For software and web-based RSS feed readers, you may be able to search and find the RSS feed, otherwise you’ll need to manually add the link to your reader.

This site offers simple buttons for the most common RSS feed readers, letting you sign-up in just a couple of clicks.

By using our RSS feeds you are deemed to have accepted our site terms and conditions.

Practical Boat Owner – News feed

Practical Boat Owner – Podcast feed