Leaks are inevitable on an old boat, and deck vents are a common cause. Over time the sealant simply breaks down, there’s play in the vent and water finds its…
Alison Wood
Features Editor
Violent storm rages through Portugal boatyard – 60-knot winds from the top of a boat cradle!
Witnessing a violent storm from your boat is always unnerving, especially when it hits without warning. Fortunately we were in the yard and not at anchor. The Algarve in Portugal…
Day 1 on Maximus – pressure washing and bailing… and more bailing!
I couldn’t wait for my dad to meet Maximus. It was Dad who introduced me to sailing as a kid on Compstall lake in Cheshire. My earliest memory is watching…
Maximus – these sails sound ok but the UV strip is degraded
Good news – the sails on Maximus seem to be in good condition, apart from the UV strip. During the survey of the Maxi 84, Ben Sutcliffe-Davies warned that there’s…
Project Boat survey revealed – old seacocks, dangerous gas, leaks and more…
A boat survey is really important for anyone buying – or even acquiring – a secondhand boat. Last month we asked marine surveyor Ben Sutcliffe-Davies to take a look at…
Replacing seacocks on Maximus – chuck ’em out and start again
The worn seacocks on PBO Project Boat Maximus are going to have to go. During the survey of the 28ft Maxi 84, marine surveyor Ben Sutcliffe-Davies points out that they’re…
Local council saves grassroots sailing club
Dorset sailors returned to the water this month after their club was threatened with closure. The club, which was affiliated to Hengistbury Head Outdoor Education Centre (HHOEC), was saved by…
How safe is your boat gas oven? Marine surveyor condemns Maximus’s oven
Is your boat gas oven safe? “A lot of people own boat ovens like this one,” says marine surveyor Ben Sutcliffe Davies. “However, what’s worrying is when you see the…
Drinking bilge water! Lifesaver Liberty water filtration bottle on test
Drinking bilge water isn’t something you do every day, but it seemed like a great opportunity to test the Lifesaver Liberty filtration bottle. After all, two years of stagnant brown…
How to detect gas leaks on boats – a handy tool that could save your life
Detecting gas leaks on boats is important, especially as gas standards on boats were very different 40 years ago. Sadly the PBO Project Boat Maximus is going to require a…
Wally the Walrus: boat owners asked to block bathing platforms
Boat owners in St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly have been asked to block bathing platforms and gently deflect Wally the Walrus with an oar if he attempts to board their…
Maximus Boat Survey Part 1 – hull and decks
Thinking of having a boat survey? If so, take a look at this video of marine surveyor Ben Sutcliffe-Davies as he performs a pre-purchase survey on Maximus, a Maxi 84.…
Remember the Sailor vintage marine radio?
Wow! Take a look at this lovely vintage marine radio onboard Maximus, the PBO Project Boat. Marine surveyor Ben Sutcliffe-Davies does a double-take when he sees the RT144 radio, which…
Wally the Walrus – boat owner films incredible encounter in Isles of Scilly
Wally the Walrus made national news last week when he climbed aboard people’s boats in the Isles of Scilly, where we were anchored at the time. Where is Wally the…
Dangerous gas locker – how to do the bucket test to check your locker is safe
Is your gas locker safe? If it looks anything like this one then it’s not… In this video, marine surveyor Ben Sutcliffe-Davies inspects the gas locker of Maximus, the PBO…
How the diesel engine works – take a look at Maximus’s Volvo saildrive
Checking the diesel engine after a long lay-up is an essential task before launching any boat, says marine surveyor Ben Sutcliffe-Davies. “The last thing you want to be doing is…
Storing your boat ashore? Make sure it’s level: Maximus survey tip
“When boats are stored ashore it’s really important to make sure they’re stored fairly level,” says Ben Sutcliffe-Davies. “Here in the cockpit you’ve ended up with a fantastic compost.” Article…
Wild swimming and sewage – beware, red flags don’t always mean rough seas
The red flags were flying when I went for a swim at Boscombe Pier. I thought nothing of it. Yes, the sea was a tiny bit choppy, but I had…
Antifouling – when is it time to scrape back? Maximus survey begins…
When is it time to strip back antifouling? The PBO Project Boat survey is underway, and in this video marine surveyor Ben Sutcliffe-Davies looks at Maximus’s hull and explains which…
The PBO Project boat survey – and why every new boat owner should have one
If you’re thinking of buying a new boat – or maybe you’ve inherited one or are renovating a wreck – you should really consider booking a boat survey. PBO was…