I never thought I’d own a boat. I’ve grown-up around yachts; cruised them, raced them, occasionally skippered them, but now, thanks to Practical Boat Owner, I’m the proud custodian of…
Alison Wood
Features Editor
Wild swimming adventures – “That’s not a tow-float… it’s a seal”
There wasn’t enough surf at Boscombe beach this morning so I went for a swim instead. Little did I know I was being followed! The sea was a green-grey, and…
Paddleboarding with kids – 6 SUPs on test in Poole and Christchurch harbour
Paddleboarding has been one of the lockdown success stories of 20/21, and with the easing of restrictions, you can now paddle outdoors in groups of six (the rule of 6)…
Which inflatable paddleboard? What to look for when buying a SUP
With summer on its way and lockdown restrictions easing, paddleboarding is a great way to find adventure close to home, but there’s a bewildering array of boards out there to…
10 tips for family paddleboarding – stay warm and make it an adventure
Paddleboarding with the whole family is great fun, but as every parent knows, nothing spoils a day out quicker than cold, wet, hungry kids. Here are some of the things…
Paddleboarding gear – what to wear and what to pack for a day on the SUP with kids
I take my three kids paddleboarding and wild swimming in winter, but it does take a mammoth effort to pack the right gear for during and after the water. However,…
Around the world in 80 days – Dalin first over the line in Vendée Globe
After 24,300 nautical miles and more than 80 days of racing around the world, Charlie Dalin was first over the line this evening in the ninth edition of the Vendée…
London Boat Show – remember when January looked like this?
For all the boaters out there, the London Boat Show was the perfect antidote to the January blues. Thousands of boats and bodies packed blissfully close to one another at…
New Year, New Boat? Watch footage from 23 boats on test
Thinking of changing your boat for the 2021 season? Don’t visit your broker without first checking out PBO’s YouTube playlist of boat test footage. Although compiled some years ago, the…
The year we’ll never forget – and a thank you from PBO!
Covid may have put a spanner in the sailing this year but it didn’t stop the influx of amazing stories from DIY-ers, liveaboards and cruisers across the globe. Thank you…
Vendée skipper Escoffier rescued from liferaft
Kevin Escoffier, the 40-year-old skipper of PRB, was rescued by fellow competitor Jean Le Cam this morning, after spending 12 hours in his liferaft off the coast of South Africa.…
Pip Hare – from folkboats to five oceans
“It’s not hard being on your own. Or even being in the middle of the ocean. It’s learning to sleep that’s so tough,” confides British sailor Pip Hare, ahead of…
Ocean Film Festival in your living room
This October sees the very first virtual edition of the Ocean Film Festival World Tour. This annual collection of short films has been a hit with PBO staff since it…
Tony Curphey the man who sailed four times around the world
“In the six years I’ve owned Nicola Deux I’ve sailed 77,650 miles in her. I just love Nicholson 32s. My father-in-law had one and to me it was the ultimate…
How to paint your boat – tips from PBO’s Project Boat
Hantu Biru was a a Snapdragon 23 that was rescued from a farm in Dorset and restored as the PBO Project Boat. Over three years the PBO team transformed her…
Overboard in the Atlantic – how I fixed a broken rudder
When my wife Teija told me she had a surprise for me one Christmas, little did I know how valuable her gift would turn out to be. “Bring your swimming…
Coronavirus update England: “All watersports can go ahead”
All watersports, including the use of privately owned motorised craft, can go ahead in England from today (May 13) as the coronavirus lockdown restrictions are relaxed. In a statement this…
Planning your next adventure? Here’s some inspiration from the crews of ARC 2019
Have you ever crossed the Atlantic? This month at PBO we’re focusing on Amazing Adventures. If you’re planning a passage, or just fancy a bit of armchair sailing, take a…
DIY on video – one proud Contest 43 owner shares his onboard improvements
At PBO there’s nothing we love more than hearing about readers’ projects. Have you been busy in the workshop? Or maybe you’ve a boat project you never had time to…
How to buy PBO Digital for your computer, phone, tablet or eReader
PBO Digital is the best way to get the full magazine experience if you’re unable to buy your regular copy at the newsagent or supermarket. But it’s not as straightforward…