Ben Meakins

Epoxy pump dispensers

Jonathan Humphreys uses empty hand-wash bottles as epoxy pump dispensers to avoid waste and ensure the mix is right every time

3d printed fuel cap wrench

Henry Lupton's design for a filler cap wrench can be downloaded and 3d-printed to protect your filler caps

An aide-memoire to using a handbearing compass, transits and bearings for quick and easy coastal pilotage

Maintenance of your rigging can save expensive failures and could be a lifesaver - here's how to check your boat's rigging

How to scull over the stern: Learn to propel your dinghy using a traditional skill that's still relevant today

Which cleaning products are the most efficient at removing ingrained dirt from boat decks? PBO’s Ben Meakins tries out a selection from the chandlery shelves

Jos Binns uses a childproof cupboard door catch to secure the heads lid at sea and prevent painful accidents...

forepeak headrest

Ben Meakins gets a good night sleep with an extension piece for the forepeak on his Hunter Impala 28

Despite the accuracy offered by digital charting, updating electronic charts is a complicated process. Here's how to keep your electronic charts up to date

Geoff Champion modifies his reefing horns to help the cringles stay put when slabbing in a reef

Paul Farr makes a straightforward hardwood tiller lock for his boat on a swinging mooring

Sprayhood handles

Ian Nicolson adds spliced handles to the sprayhood on his Rival 34 to provide a good handhold when moving out of the cockpit

Jeremy and Debbie White have a useful tip for neat boathook storage in a dinghy to help with coming alongside pontoons and quays

Building site spikes keep tricolour clean - Willem Bijl keeps his tricolour light seagull-free

Peter Lyle refurbishes the seawater pump on his Jeanneau 36i for a fraction of the cost of replacement or professional repair

We test the Seagull IV X-1 filter as part of a test of 9 ways to improve the taste of your boat's tank water