Practical Boat Owner

Practical Boat Owner

Practical Boat Owner is a monthly magazine bringing you the latest boating news and expert practical advice.

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A man using a sextant for celestial navigation

Making a ‘mer pass’ observation is one of the simplest, yet most useful navigation tools for sailors to possess, explains Jay Renton

A man using an electric winch handle on his boat

Electric winch handles can help crew perform any task on board a yacht, regardless of their strength, size or physical abilities. Roger Hughes looks at how they developed

The author’s restored his boat Blauwe Slenk over two-and-a-half years – then ran aground on her first outing!

Sailing in shallows means it’s likely that sooner or later you’ll go aground – but if you’ve planned for the eventuality in advance the chances are you’ll either avoid it…

A motorboat on a trailer

Having already built a dinghy and a dayboat, Ben Russell decided to design and construct an 18ft Selway Fisher Clyde motorboat