Practical Boat Owner

A yacht sailing in fog

Fog looms large as one of the things sailors most fear – but circumstances mean it often can’t be avoided. There’s no need to panic, however. Sticky Stapylton has advice…

A liquid filled compass on a boat

With a half-empty liquid-filled steering compass and no obvious sign of a leak, Norman Eastwood decided it was time to do something about it

A man using a handbearing compass as part of pilotage for a boat

You’ve made a pilotage plan: now’s the time to put it to the test. Sticky Stapylton explains pilotage techniques that’ll keep you safe on the water

A man on a yacht springing off a pontoon

Whether you’re getting into or out of a tight berth, getting alongside against a strong breeze or getting off a berth when being pinned on, a well-placed spring will give…

People sailing through the Swellies in Wales while sailing around the UK

Charles Warlow has circumnavigated the UK twice, around Ireland and to the Faroes. He shares his advice for sailors planning on sailing around the UK

A yacht sailing on an overcast day

Only the foolhardy would put to sea without first checking the weather and forecast – understanding how to make use of the information available is a vital part of sailing,…

New sailors on a boat sailing at sea

RYA chief instructor Clive Vaughan explains how to encourage new sailors aboard and keep them coming back for more with some simple steps

A boat moored next to a pontoon

Tony Moss and his wife, Marike, enhance the manoeuvrability of their Dufour 44 to make cruising life easier in their retirement years

A disintegrating keel band from a boat

Galvanic corrosion is often something mainly associated with metal fittings on larger craft: however, David Parker has a cautionary tale about double-checking fixings on small boats too

A woman wearing a lifejacket at the helm of a boat

From classroom conundrums to night-time navigation, dinghy instructor Margaret Norris decides to give big boats a go