Hurricane tail may have claimed victims off Ireland
Practical Boat Owner
Video – 2011 PBO Green Awards
Presentation and editor's interview at the Green Awards
Half-price inspection via Southampton Show
Book now for your boat and rig
PBO Green Awards – winners
Presentation at Southampton Boat Show
PBO goes to the Show!
Destination Southampton for your friendly magazine team
Meet the team at PBO
You’ve read the articles, seen the images, perhaps even heard a voice, now meet the faces behind the pages.
First Used Folkboat Show
Showcase coincides with nearby Southampton
Harbours on film – October 2011
Guides to UK harbours
Dave Selby podcast ‘Mad About the Boat’
November 2011: Tarry, potter and the cheery hellos
Could your boat project get a £3,000 grant?
Haven Academy seeking impassioned proposals
RNLI documentary launched
New TV series charts lifeboat dramas
Jill about
To move around idly with no set course
Hijacking off Yemen: French yachtsman dead, wife saved
Spanish warship storms pirate skiff, others may be missing
Boat-owner’s diary
The PBO 'family' share their boat-owning treats, trials and tribulations
America comes to Plymouth
Sailing World Series starts in city tomorrow
Marine protection reports go to government
MCZ recommendations omit anchoring – for now
Danish pirate hostages released
Family held for 6 months
Training yacht loses mast in gale off Portland
Disabled 100-footer drifts into Race with 11 young people on board
Latest hazard to Thames navigation
David Walliams swimming river for Sport Relief
‘Hostage’ on sale now!
Chandler's book-signing at Southampton