Thrilling finish to Round the World Race
Practical Boat Owner
200-year-old ship unearthed at Ground Zero
Archaeologists excited by major 18th Century boat find
‘Sail Heb’ 2010 Stornoway grand finale
Traditional and modern boats in sailing festival
RYA backs young sail designers
OnBoard programme announces competition winners
Towing your boat: video masterclass
Video masterclass guide to towing your boat safely, including setting off, reversing, launching and recovery
Dunkirk ‘little ship’, Anne, restored and relaunched
30ft motorsailor prepares for 70th anniversary events
In pictures: One launched every 8 minutes
New photo gallery
Beaulieu Boat Jumble 2010
It was great to meet so many PBO readers at the Beaulieu Boatjumble 2010 and even six from France. There's nothing like it across the Channel, they explained and no…
Launching at Warsash 2010
PBO Editor, Sarah Norbury was on hand to watch club members’ boats get craned out of the boat park and into the water for the start of another season
How to understand French VHF méteo weather forecasts
Understanding French VHF weather broadcasts
Trail-sail maintenance
Expert advice for winter checks of trailer-sailers
UK instrument company denies satanic software claims
Customers advised to reset their logs
Marine Industry Regatta returns to Solent
Proceeds to John Merricks Sailing Trust
X Factor stars open Tullett Prebon London International Boat Show 2010
Olly Murs and Stacey Solomon sing and cut the ribbon on the main stage
RNLI assist yachts in Poole Harbour
PBO boat tester and photographer David Harding was on the water only a few yards off Poole YC. ‘It was fairly breezy and, by the standards of the harbour,…
PBO Charter Special – British Virgin Islands photo gallery
Extra photos from PBO’s British Virgin Islands charter feature, Jan 2010 issue
Dave Selby Podcast ‘Mad About the Boat’ Dec 2009
Fourth among equals - surrounded by Sailfishes at the Maldon Town Regatta
Brest Festival 2008 – PBO photo prize
An estimated half-a-million visitors in July flocked to Brest, Brittany, for the week-long festival of traditional boats, with another week-long event that runs the following week at Douarnenez, along the…
Lowrance Structure Scan images
Views taken from a press trip off Helsinki, where anti-submarine nets left over from the Cold War still litter the sea bed, plus a man-made lake in Oklahoma where trees,…