Getting a trophy can make competitions worthwhile - if only there was a prize for wanting one the most
Practical Boat Owner
Dave Selby Podcast ‘Mad about the boat’ Oct 2008
Fashions may come and go with the season, but gaff haute couture is here to stay - a lifestyle choice without the style
Dame Ellen lands on BBC’s Desert Island
Tune in to BBC iPlayer for one week after this morning's broadcast
Dave Selby Podcast ‘Mad about the boat’ Sep 2008
It's not the winning that counts, it's the size of your bowsprit. Be prepared for the misadventures of the Three Rivers Race
RYA appoints new CEO
In time for more success at 2012 Olympics in Weymouth
Dave Selby Podcast ‘Mad about the boat’ Aug 2008
Keeping your eyes closed won't fix a broken keel - but the weird science of epoxy will. Find resins to be cheerful
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PBO supports Sailability fundraising effort
November issue on sale now includes freepost envelope for recycling
Dave Selby Podcast ‘Mad about the boat’ Jul 2008
Talking rubbish - quality rubbish - is a skill to be honed early in the season over a cuppa. Put the kettle on and listen to the July 2008 podcast.
Save a sailor from a storm with a teacup
Lifeboat Tea to raise £200,000 a year for RNLI
Captain Cook’s logs could hold key to climate research
Observations to help trace changing weather patterns
Dave Selby Podcast ‘Mad about the boat’ Jun 2008
The boating burden lies heavy upon the soul of the true sailor... at least, that's what we'd have everyone in the non-nautical world believe...
November 2009
New issue on sale now!
Ellen gives up ocean racing… for now
MacArthur to campaign to save the planet
Harken reinvent the winch
Deck gear company announces 'revolutionary' winches
Dave Selby Podcast ‘Mad about the boat’ May 2008
Surveying a boat is serious business. You need to speak Latin, have creative writing skills, and be able to wield a hammer!
Dave Selby Podcast ‘Mad about the boat’ Apr 2008
Is Bart Selby a randy criminal mastermind...or just a naughty dog? Hear about the canine scourge of the Blackwater in the April 2008 podcast.
Dave Selby Podcast ‘Mad about the boat’ Mar 2008
The masters of the universe appear to have embraced sailing - and they're taking no prisoners: how luminescent lunatics rule the waves
EGNOS launched to improve EU GPS accuracy
The much-anticipated EGNOS system is now live