Remy Laine shows how he made a low friction ring with integrated soft shackle
Practical Boat Owner
Traditional vs Coppercoat antifoul: reader test
Nick and Wendy Tyler apply both coatings to their Moody 37. But which one will last the distance?
‘Why I want to sail around the world in my 9m electric sailing boat”
Dena Hankins is on a global voyage aboard her 1984 9m Baba 30 converted to run with an electric propulsion motor – possibly the smallest electric sailboat to circumnavigate the planet
The best fender cleaner? We put the Silky Cream Cleaner to the test
Nick Vass tests Silky Cream Cleaner to find out if it is the best fender cleaner he has ever used
How to find good passage anchorages
A suitable anchorage can let you rest and await a fair tide: Here’s our pick of some useful passage anchorages for cruising this year
Boat fire prevention: tips to stay safe
For sailors, there is no hotter topic than fire on board. Sticky Stapylton looks at methods of prevention – and ways of dealing with fire should the worst happen
Boat handling: leaving a tight space
Peter Jones shares a technique for departing a pontoon with limited room for manoeuvre, against a pontoon or between rafts of boats
DIY crew headset for efficient anchoring
No need to shout for David Holmes and crew when anchoring
Surface preparation for polishing or varnishing a boat
Mirka’s Andy Mierau shares trade tips on how to prepare surfaces for polishing or varnishing
Easy berthing with a boat pick-up line
Bill Rothwell devises a simple boat pick-up line to make berthing easier
Coming alongside – essential skills for shorthanded crews
Coming alongside can be tricky for singlehanded and short-handed sailors. Øyvind Bordal has some sailing skills that will come in handy in harbours
Antifouling: Everything you need to know
Here’s PBO’s guide to preparing for, choosing and using antifouling paints
How to make a simple deadeye tackle
Jay Renton devises a tackle for tensioning
Masthead crane replacement
Steve Gerry fabricates a new masthead crane
Why isn’t more being done about pot markers? Ask the experts
Graham Gibbs writes: “When will something be done about pot markers? On a cruise west from Gosport this May, I estimated that around 1% of pot markers met legal requirements.…
Making a headboard for comfier sleeping on board
Chris Mardon fabricates a removable wooden bunk headboard
How to build a rudder for your boat
Hitting a submerged object destroyed Mike Gudmunsen’s he set about making a new one
No mess oil filter change for a boat engine
Simon Westmacott devises a way to keep his bilges clean when changing the engine's oil filter
How to do a rig check with an action cam
Simone Annunziata gets a bird’s eye view using modern tech and an old broom
Magnetic mousing for easy wire installation
Winston Collinge uses an easy and attractive way to feed a cable through the length of his mast