Practical Boat Owner

Company directory

This section will contain links to the YBW reference microsites

Ask the experts

We’re looking for companies and individuals who’re making big efforts towards more eco-friendly boating.


Find a sea school near you. Whether you are looking for tuition for power or sail, theory or practical you can find it in our database of sea schools.


Search for charter companies offering a wide range of boats and packages to suit you needs. Charters available across the globe, including the Caribbean, Mediterranean and Australasia.

Berth Finder

Find a berth or offer a berth in the UK and Europe. Search our database by location and facilities to find the right berth for you.

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PBO Gear

We review hundreds of products to help you make the most informed decision when buying for your boat. Includes outboards, navigation equipment, RIBs and tenders, alarms, clothing and much more.

How to prevent osmosis

Watch video of PBO Practicals Editor, Jake Kavanagh preparing a hull for DIY osmosis treatment