Jury still considering charges of engaging in conduct as a seaman that was likely to cause death or serious injury
Practical Boat Owner
First ARC yachts finish during weekend of drama
20 yachts have arrived in St Lucia as two emergency rescues took place in the fleet still at sea
Yacht blogs, pics and news updated everyday
Yacht blogs, pics and news updated everyday
Podium position, January 2008
Listen to Dave Selby's monthly podcast online now
Jury still deliberating in Ouzo manslaughter case
Accused must sit and wait for verdict
International Paint and PBO antifouling test
Email us with some details and you could win £500 and free antifouling
Atlantic drama for ARC participants
Three separate rescue incidents over the weekend
In pictures: record-breaking surf
Amazing pictures of the largest waves ever surfed in Irish waters
New Earls Court Boat Show starts Saturday
So what's it like? PBO reports from press preview day at Earls Court Boat Show
Massive surf heading for UK west coast
Tow-surfers rejoice as 55ft wave faces expected to hit Ireland this weekend
Met Office launches weather widgets
Mini-applications can be added to your internet browser
New radar program can spot rogue waves
Software could enable vessels to avoid 30m walls of water
New guide shows how to fund historic ships
National Historic Ships publishes list of major trusts and other benefactors
Don’t miss Waterbuoy – innovative marine product pitch – tonight on Dragon’s Den
Innovative marine product to be pitched tonight on reality TV show
Padstow Lifeboat House receives award
Padstow Lifeboat House award
Holt buys Brazilian brand
Holt buys 50% of Nautos
Busted yacht drug-smugglers sentenced
Eight-man British/Dutch yacht-based drug-smuggling gang sentenced
James Bond actor surprises Ramsgate lifeboat crew
RNLI fundraising campaign boosted by visit
Chichester Harbour small boat auction
Eight small vessels to be sold off by sealed tender bidding
Listen to PBO columnist here
The 'uncut' audio recording of December issue's light-hearted column in PBO