Video footage: A bottle-nosed dolphin spotted and filmed playing in the Solent
Practical Boat Owner
Wave-power – without the waves
New renewable energy technology is making waves...
Get your boat on TV!
Do you fancy taking part in a one hour show to be broadcast every fortnight?
Watch video of battle with 14ft Isle of Wight shark
500lb (226kg) thresher, caught just five miles off St Catherine's Point - Cowes Weekers beware...
British yacht skipper bailed in Gibraltar cocaine case
Skipper Jonathon Kelway bailed. Charges dropped against three crew
British yachtsman caught on reef
Stranded for 24 hours 400NM from Sydney
July Mystery Photo winners
PBO announces mystery photo winners
Red diesel consultation
Don't miss your opportunity to be part of the government consultation on red diesel
First trimaran out of Chester
Stephen Walker might be the first to have sailed a trimaran out of Chester since the 1960s
Portsmouth’s Dolphin Dolly
Dolphin sighted in Portsmouth Harbour
RYA concerns over marine diesel availability addressed by Government
Government reveals plans for red diesel
Portway Yacht Sales expansion
A new Portway office is to open in Southampton
River Thames – strong flow warnings in effect
Guidance from harbour master as River flow increases
Single-hander airlifted from liferaft
Norwegian sailor en route to Falmouth from Ireland - yacht holed by submerged object
Ouch! Superyacht goes crash
How not to berth a massive motor-cruiser...
RNLI open day
RNLI to have two public open days
Sponsorship success for Chichester Conservancy
New sponsors in the pipeline to support boat trips for disadvantaged children
Branscombe: the end of the line for MSC Napoli?
Divers investigate hull of container ship. Huge hole found
Yachtsmen held hostage in French ports
Warning to yachtsmen cruising western France
Through hell and high water: AZAB sailors return
Double-handers return to Falmouth battered and bruised