Rupert Holmes

A boat being sailed through a storm

One crew's brisk breeze and exciting sail can be another's gale, even if sailing similar boats. So what makes the difference? Rupert Holmes outlines techniques that experienced skippers use to…

A boat sailing in strong winds out at sea

Rupert Holmes has sailed more than 85,000 miles, including the Southern Ocean. He shares his tips for sailing in strong winds

A boat motoring after suffering a dismasting

Faced with a sudden dismasting in 40-knot gusts, Rupert Holmes explains how he and his crew saved his boat, and offers advice for simple safety checks you can make to…

A stainless steel bowsprit on a boat

Nearly every new boat has a bowsprit, but what about older yachts? Rupert Holmes looks at what is available on the market for owners of older vessels

A boat covered in green mould

How do you distinguish a real bargain boat from one that’s not worth restoring, even if it’s free? Rupert Holmes has some sage advice

Rupert Holmes describes the course of action he pursued – and the lessons learned – when storm conditions threatened to cause damage to his moored boat

The BAJAO Cabin SUP tent is suitable for an overnight camp or for seeking shelter from bad weather

A SUP tent allows you to extend your time on the water while paddling. Rupert Holmes looks at the BAJAO Cabin