Stu Davies explains how to fit a cutless bearing on your boat
Stu Davies

How to change a boat engine filter
Stu Davies takes us back to basics and advises on how to change oil, fuel and air filters on your engine
Bleeding the fuel system on your boat
Basic engine maintenance is essential for boat owners. Stu Davies shows you how to bleed the fuel system
Alternator belt tensioning: step-by-step
Every boat owner should know some basic engine maintenance. Stu Davies shares how to tension the alternator drive belt
How to winterise a boat engine
Engineer Stu Davies explains the steps you should take to make sure your boat’s engine is protected over the winter months
How to change a water pump impeller
Stu Davies shows you how to check and replace an engine’s raw water pump impeller, and explains why it’s an important job
How to service an outboard engine: step by step
Stu Davies shares useful maintenance tips on how to keep your 2-stroke and 4-stroke outboard motors running sweetly
Milky oil in my saildrive. What do I do?
While changing his engine oil, Chris Mardon noticed milky oil in his saildrive. Will it have caused damage to the leg? Stu Davies has the answer
Should the pressure relief valve on my boat calorifier have a spring and plunger?
While repairing his hot water boat calorifier, Chris Mardon found it had a spring and one-way plunger. But what purpose do they serve? Stu Davies has the answer
Why is my outboard so unreliable?
Colin Staple's unreliable outboard is spoiling his sailing. Stu Davies suggests how to improve its performance
Replacing crazed boat portlights
Stu Davies saves a bundle by having new acrylic windows made
Can you epoxy repair an aluminium boat heat exchanger?
PBO reader Chris Marden wants to know if he can repair the outer case of his boat heat exchanger with epoxy. Stu Davies has the answer!
Fitting a saildrive folding propeller? Ask the experts
Peter Dunlop writes: “I have a Volvo Penta MD20-30 with saildrive and three-bladed folding propeller on my 1998 Dawn 39 (a Contessa 38 lookalike from the same mould). Some years…
Cleaning rusty engine innards? Ask the experts
Alan Carter from Dunfermline writes: “I’m on the way to solving the problem of rusty innards in my old boat engine – something that afflicts the engines of many practical…
Fixing boat engine cooling system problems
Stu Davies solves niggly Volvo Penta 2030 engine cooling problems
How to find an engine oil leak in a Volvo 2002
David Moody is struggling to find the cause of an engine oil leak in his Volvo 2002. Stu Davies has the answer
Raw water pump: rebuild or replace?
PBO reader Clive Hathway has a leaking raw water pump. Should he buy a replacement or rebuild it? Stu Davies gives his advice
Is there a better diesel fuel?
Would gas to liquid (GTL) fuel work better than diesel fuel? PBO's engine whisperer, Stu Davies ponders the question
What’s the best way to change a pump impeller? Ask the experts
Oliver Chapple from Lincoln writes: “I have a very much loved 35ft Atlantic Ketch called Octopus, a splendid sea boat that has carried us safely to the Western Isles, Orkney,…
How can I improve fuel filter efficiency? Ask the experts
Kirk Forrest writes: “I’ve been considering how to improve the fuel filter system on my 45-year-old Fisher 25 motor-sailer which has a Beta 28 engine. I bought the boat about…