Yachtmaster Offshore and RYA Cruising Instructor, Adam Waugh has never sailed across an ocean before. He shares his motivations for signing up to the 2025 Mini Globe Race

Adam Waugh had never built a boat before starting work on his Globe 5.80, Little Wren.

The three-year project took longer than expected, partly due to moving house to Bolam in Northumberland and his recovery from an appendicitis.

But Little Wren  – named for the wren that kept him company in his workshop during the build – was finally launched from his home port of Amble in March 2024 and Adam began extensive sea trials.

Sailor Adam Waugh sanding his boat

Adam found the days of faring and sanding in the low temperatures of Northumberland, UK, a real challenge. Credit: Adam Waugh

The RYA Cruising Instructor and Yachtmaster Offshore only began sailing in 2019, although he has “been messing about with boats all my life.”

“All my working life I was behind a desk during the week but in the outdoors at the weekend. I came to sailing late in life but fell in love with the freedom, excitement, unpredictability and the people you meet,” he said.

Since then, Adam has sailed from Oban in Scotland to Iceland on a 60ft clipper, and part of the way around Britain; he has also sold his beloved Sigma 36 to fund his Mini Globe Race ambitions.

Little Wren has now been trailered to Lagos in Portugal, where Adam will continue preparations before the start of the Globe 5.80 Transat from Lagos to Antigua – the start of the round-the-world yacht race.

Throughout the race, he will also be raising money for the Ella Dawson Foundation, a family-run charity which supports young adults diagnosed with cancer.

Adam can be followed at clearbluesea.co.uk.

Why enter the Mini Globe Race?

Adam Waugh: Adventure. A worthwhile thing to do.

Are you looking to win or just complete the race?

Adam Waugh: I am a bit competitive and think the race aspect will help us get round the world but finishing each leg will be a personal cause for celebration

How are you preparing yourself for the race?

Adam Waugh: I have spent the last three years building and preparing Little Wren and spending as much time on her as possible.

Mentally I think there is only so much you can do. I think I will be fine but having never spent more than a few days in my own company it will be an eye-opener.

A boat undergoing a stability test

Every Globe 5.80 has to undergo a stability test ahead of the Mini Globe Race. Credit: Adam Waugh

Little Wren is the first boat you have built. What have you learned?

Adam Waugh: Patience. If you build something and it doesn’t look and feel right it probably isn’t. So do it again.

What have been the highs and lows of the build?

Adam Waugh: Many of both. Days of fairing and sanding in minus temperatures were a struggle.

Technical naivety and lack of experience meant it took longer than I thought. Seeing her morph into an ocean-going sailing boat gave me continued inspiration.

Sailor Adam Waugh sailing on his boat

All skippers in the Mini Globe Race must rely on sail power during each leg; an electric outboard is allowed for getting into and out of harbours. Credit: Adam Waugh

How will you prepare Little Wren for the race?

Adam Waugh: Thoroughly! The Notice of Race gives skippers a long and thorough list of how to prepare.

What storm tactics do you plan to use?

Adam Waugh: I have a sea drogue with 100m of 12mm rope. That will be attached to a bridle hung from brackets on the transom specifically made for that purpose

Drogues or warps?

Adam Waugh: I have warps to use to help with direction but they are unlikely to slow the boat down

Have you practised those storm tactics?

Adam Waugh: In my mind a 100 times

Sailor Adam waugh sailing his boat

Little Wren is now in Lagos in Portugal, ahead of the start of the Globe 5.80 Transat.

Are you confident you will make the start?

Adam Waugh: Yes. That was the most important thing to me so I made sure Little Wren was in Lagos by October for the start of the transit [Globe 5.80 Transat].

What self-steering set up are you planning to use?

Adam Waugh: South Atlantic 301 S.

What antifouling will you be using?

Adam Waugh: CopperCoat.

Routing is forbidden. How are you preparing to sail the best route?

Adam Waugh: We can download GRIB files. I will plan my routing around weather systems and currents

A boat with sails

Little Wren is fitted with the South Atlantic 301 S windvane.

How will you cope with sailing solo for so long?

Adam Waugh: I’ll tell you in a year or so!

How will you prepare for the challenges alone at sea?

Adam Waugh: I am taking music, audiobooks, books and a sketchbook. I also have a strong ability to daydream

The Mini Globe Race is a celebration of John Guzwell and Trekka. What words of wisdom from Guzwell will you be following?

Adam Waugh: The whole package! Build your own boat and sail it around the world. I will try to keep his modesty in Little Wren all the time.

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