Summer sailing usually involves greater distances and spending longer periods than usual on board, and this can trigger some of the breakdowns and breakages that are, to some extent, an…
Wooden boat restoration: the Youtube channel following four years in a boatyard
It was October 2015, I was 30 years old, and dreaming of sailing the world some day, perhaps even owning a gaffer of my own. By weekday, I was a…
The PBO Project boat survey – and why every new boat owner should have one
If you’re thinking of buying a new boat – or maybe you’ve inherited one or are renovating a wreck – you should really consider booking a boat survey. PBO was…
Why I chose serial electric hybrid propulsion with lead carbon batteries for my narrow boat
During the first lockdown in March 2020, my wife, Kay, and I began musing about the possibility of trying to be a bit greener in the forthcoming build of our…
“Why I’m giving up Maximus, my 5-berth cruising boat”
Last month, Practical Boat Owner got a surprise email from reader Daniel Kirtley, asking if we wanted his 28ft cruiser Maximus, as a project boat. “Following a well-trodden path I…
Meet Maximus, the new PBO Project Boat!
I never thought I’d own a boat. I’ve grown-up around yachts; cruised them, raced them, occasionally skippered them, but now, thanks to Practical Boat Owner, I’m the proud custodian of…
Sail repair – how to extend the life of your mainsail
After 24,000 miles – including three visits to the Azores, racing round Britain and Ireland and a foray into the Atlantic – it was a simple day-race (round the Isle…
Famous boat restorations – when is it time to give up?
A boat restoration is an emotive topic. Those who sail regularly develop a strong affection for their vessel. They might moan about her quirks and shortcomings but should anyone agree…
How to replace your sprayhood windows
Do you have a foggy view? Don’t throw away your expensive sprayhood or awning – you can replace the windows for just a few pounds, says Jake Kavanagh
Dangerous gas hoses – make sure your boat’s rubber piping doesn’t look like this!
When did you last check your gas hoses? In this video, PBO expert and marine surveyor Ben Sutcliffe-Davies, discovers something that ‘sickens him’. “This boat was built in 1984 and…
Boat electronics repair: How to fix your boat’s instruments
If you can solder it’s always worth taking things apart and having a go at repairing them as a last resort before paying for a replacement. In this boat electronics…
Electronic repair tips and tricks for boat owners to fix instruments
Often the causes of electronic failures are not electrical at all. The environment on a small sail or power boat requires mechanically robust, rugged construction and many instruments are simply…
DIY electronic repairs on trusty Autohelm ST4000 and Garmin GPS 152
You don’t always need oscilloscopes, signal generators or even voltmeters to find faults in your boat’s instruments and effect decent DIY electronic repairs. So long as you have a magnifying…
The things I learned when the keel fell off
Photo: Enya being lifted out to inspect the swing keel Sailing is full of compromises and boats with swing keels are one of them. They will never be as fast or…
Boat launch checks for getting back on the water
Launching your boat might feel a bit daunting, but these simple checks from insurance broker Steve Risk will ensure your boat’s in good condition to start the season
Refining rigging and improving performance
Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. When, back in 2014, I saw the mainsail on Peter Kewish’s Jeanneau Sun Way 21, I found it hard to be…
Rigging setup: Turning round a yacht’s performance
Little old boats can offer enormous fun for your money, but they often require some tweaking in order to be experienced at their best. Often a little bit of time…
How to set up your rig: tension your shrouds on masthead or fractional
How to set up your rig: tension your shrouds on masthead or fractional If boats were cars, many of those I see sailing along would be coughing and spluttering down…
Restoring a boat? Beat the restoration blues and get back to work today
Procrastination is the art of busily doing nothing while another part of you gets really disappointed about it. I’m a serial procrastinator. Phew, glad to get that out in the…
Make a grounding system to protect your boat from lightning strikes
A surprising amount of research has been carried out into lightning strikes on yachts and boats, much of it in Florida but some in New Zealand, Australia and other countries.…