
Professional paint finishes look stunning but can be eye-wateringly expensive. A DIY job can achieve a tough, glossy result for a fraction of the cost...

Antifouling PPE

Ben Meakins discovers the importance of wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when antifouling a hull – and issues some propitious advice

The Yanmar 1GM10 is a great little engine, which starts first time and runs reliably: but there are one or two design flaws. The worst is that the raw water…

Pat Manley

Pat Manley, a long-time contributor to PBO and who regularly featured in our Ask the Experts pages, passed away on 5 September.

IKEA hacks

Whether it's making an instrument panel from a tablet stand, turning bed slats into a dinghy floor, creating a wine rack from a book case, assisting with cockpit locker organisation…

Find out how to thicken and sheath ropes to stop them slipping in a clutch in this extract from Splicing Modern Ropes, by Jan-Willem Polman

In 1968, the original Golden Globe Race was widely regarded as ‘a voyage for madmen’. But where does that leave the 34 men and one woman who are signed up…