How to repack a traditional stuffing-box type stern gland
VHF essentials: How to solder a PL259 plug to a VHF cable
Connecting a PL259 plug to a VHF aerial cable - step by step
How to drill plastic – expert tips on making holes in acrylic
A reader's question about drilling acrylic is answered by one of PBO's experts
Cleaning battery acid spills
What to use to avoid burns
How to build and run a website for your boat
Keep friends and fellow yachtsmen up to date with your yachting activities – create your own boating website for free
PBO Small Craft Almanac corrections February 2014
Download free PDF of corrections for the PBO almanac
How to test an old VHF antenna and cable
A reader's question about testing a VHF antenna and coaxial cable answered by one of PBO's experts
Sealing a hull-to-keel joint
A reader's question about sealing a keel root answered by one of PBO's experts
Boat insurance – 10 essential questions to ask your insurer
Make sure you're covered
Reef early when sailing downwind
It seems light until you turn around!
De-craze a compass bowl
Can't see your compass card for UV damage?
Got an e-Reader for Christmas?
It's a good practical tool on board, too....
Ask the Experts: repairing a Westerly Oceanranger
A reader's question about survey and corrosion gets answered by one of PBO's experts
Practical projects and tips
PBO readers and experts share their top tips on filling interior holes, cleaning alloy spars and more!
Ask the Experts: Passerelle problem
A reader's question about med mooring gets answered by PBO's experts
Practical tips from readers and PBO’s experts
How to make a bunk extension on a budget, stop the lids of heads slamming and more!
Ask the Experts: Yanmar starting quandary
A reader's question about engines gets answered by one of PBO's friendly experts
PBO’s lazy guide to laying up
What's essential and what's not? Find out here...
PBO Small Craft Almanac corrections January 2014
Download free PDF of corrections for the PBO almanac
Sailing in Strong Winds – bearing away
You won't be able to bear away unless....