Power to the elbow?
Back in the water tip # 7 – engine checks
On your way to your mooring...
Back in the water tip # 5 – depth check
Before it becomes embarassing...
Back in the water tip # 4 – log calibration
Do it now while the bottom's clean!
Back in the water tip # 3 – tools
Got a spare half hour?
Back in the water tip # 2 – lockers
It's time to remove the 28 identical jars of jam from your bilges
Back in the water tip # 1 – split pins
No snags!
Choosing the right roller for antifouling
Don't persevere with an inappropriate roller!
Sailing under main only
How to go to windward
Deck paint tip
Roll it on for a better texture
Confectionary in a first aid kit
Hotels to the rescue!
The main culprit when it comes to leaking teak decks
...Where to look?
How to cut teak-faced ply
...without damaging the veneer
Stripping antifouling tip
How to keep moisture out and heat in...
Back in the water tip # 6 – free everything
Free anything that moves
Radar scanners – size matters
Choose the biggest you can possibly fit
Don’t scrimp on your deck hardware
Move up a size, especially when choosing mast base blocks
Crimping electrical terminals…
Invest in the best
Quick way to store an outboard on your pushpit
Secure and removable way to keep it there
Tender loving scare
Can you get back to your boat?