By using something every skipper has on board
Avoid dunking your outboard…
With this tip! Is small better?
Don’t overtighten ‘glass bowl’ fuel filters
It's a delicate balance
Don’t overgrease your winches
Keep them turning all year round....
Still afloat? Keep your boat safe in the winter gales
Essential tips to keep your boat snug and safe as the storms bite
Save sticky, UV-degraded plastic with cheap cola
Fenders and clutch handles - a new lease of life
Don’t pinch in waves!
it'll slow you down...
Help your headfoil last longer
Save the foils with this tip
Prevent crossed threads
How to avoid crossing or stripping a thread
Stop Snapshackles unsnapping
With this tip
Jib cars are your friend
Go upwind more efficiently!
First Aid tip of the day: Dealing with burns
Simple kitchen item is best to keep in your kit
PG Tip of the Day
Making tea more easily when beating
Safely wash ropes in the washing machine
How to do it without damaging the ropes or the drum
Quick rig adjustments
Keep the bottlescrews available
Access the inaccessible
How to reach bits of your boat nothing else can see...
Insurance tips for laying up
Navigators and General offer their tips for winter
Working on the boat on your own?
How to get another pair of hands you won't have to feed
Essential spares, part 7
The ultimate toolbox
Essential spares, part 8
The ultimate toolbox