A boat hull showing signs of boat osmosis

When does boat osmosis need treating? PBO reader Alastair Hutchison Dorchester asked our experts

A blue boat sink

Fitting out a boat of any size can quickly get pricey, so Zoran Glozinic repurposes some ‘non yachting items’ for a small sailing cruiser’s new plumbing system

A cockpit cover on a boat

Michael Wright makes life more comfortable by creating an extra ‘room’ on board with a smart new cockpit cover for his Nicholson 31

Choosing a marine toilet isn’t as straightforward as you think – and after looking at the options it may be that refurbishment rather than replacement could be the answer. With…

A orange hull of a boat

Richard Rogers explains how to insulate the hull of a small yacht for high latitudes sailing to cold, remote and beautiful places