
01646 601601


Neyland, SA73 1PY

Neyland Yacht Haven (Lower): Enjoying an unrivalled location within the spectacular Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, Neyland offers first-class facilities, exceptional customer service, and a warm welcome. Additional facilities include a DVD and book library and floating Haven Pod accommodation. Staff are around to help with all your needs. Special Monthly deals for boats under 6 metres. Prices include a 2.5% early payment discount.

Newland Yacht Haven

Click on the picture to find the interactive Navionics chart

Marina group: Yacht Havens
Berth depth (MLWS): 2m
Approach depth (MLWS): 2m
Access restrictions:
VHF channel(s): 37,80
Toilets: Y
Showers: Y
Laundry: Y
WiFi: Y
Diesel: Y
Petrol: Y
Gas: Y
Lift-out: 35 tonnes
Chandlery: Y
Café/Restaurant: Y
Shop: <
TYHA member: N/A
TransEurope member: Y
Number of berths: 420
Average price per metre: £326.62
Discounts available: Y
Harbour dues included: Y
Water: Y
Power: Y
Parking per day: £0.00