Belgian yacht builders taken over by Dehler in January

The Belgian yacht builder, Etap has officially announced its insolvency following in the wake of its parent company Dehler’s announcement before Christmas.

Photo caption:The ETAP 46DS was awarded “European Yacht of the Year” and won IPC Media’s award for the category “Sailboat over 40 ft”

The statement reads:
‘Due to the insolvency of Dehler Deutschland GmbH, ETAP Yachting – branch of Dehler Yachts Belgium BV – has applied for insolvency too. ETAP Yachting declared insolvency on the 7th of January 2009.’

The statement goes on to say that attempts to align the two brands’ back office functions and production facilities were underway, as was a new look for the Etap brand.

‘Etap had a new Marketing Strategy, a new Logo and Slogan (?ETAP Just Sail?) were implemented as well as a new product strategy of which the first yacht, the ETAP 30CQ [was displayed] at the Hiswa [boat show] in IJmuiden the Netherlands in September 2008. The strategy and positioning seemed to have the chance to be successful. First reactions from the market were positive.’

‘Being part of the Dehler Yachts Group and being effected by the consequences of the insolvency of Dehler, ETAP Yachting did not have the chance to complete its repositioning and restructuring and benefiting from synergy effects with Dehler.

‘Dehler and ETAP Yachting are two strong and established brands and the hope is strong that they will find their place under a new ownership.’

For any question or further information please contact:
ETAP Yachting
– Branch of Dehler Yachts Belgium BV –
Steenovenstraat 2
2390 Malle
Tel. 00-32- 33124461