Articles on electronics for sailors, a step-by-step guide to moulding glassfibre, fitting shaft log and engine mounts on the PBO Project Boat, advice on how to reef efficiently and details about the PBO antifouling test - the biggest test on antifouling paints ever carried out in this country.
The July 2015 issue of Practical Boat Owner is now on sale.
The magazine can be found in most good newsagents or by visiting the iTunes app store to download your favourite
sailing magazine onto your iPad or iPhone.
This month’s issue features an in-depth article on electronics for sailors – looking at which new gear can help you make the most of the wind, a step-by-step guide to moulding glassfibre, advice on how to reef efficiently, a PBO Project Boat article on fitting a shaft log and engine mounts and details about the forthcoming PBO antifouling test – the biggest test on antifouling paints ever carried out in this country.
Plus much more – so pick up your copy today!