On test: new Crabber 24
We test the classic with the carbon mast
We found our dream yacht in a barn
Nic Compton on rescuing a Victoria 26 from a farm and getting it afloat
Headlining step by step
Tips and tricks for spotting leaks and replacing your cabin headlining
Building a cutter by hand
Di Beach recalls building and launching a yacht in 1960s Kenya
Small gelcoat repairs
Tidy up your decking with this thorough step-by-step guide
Sister Rosy on the rocks
A birthday party afloat goes wrong
Bow protector plates
Templating, bending, cutting and fixing stainless plates
Hair-raising engine failure
Disaster avoided… but only just
Traditional oyster punt
Getting back to basic sailing
Ships passing in daylight
Can you always rely on your eyes?
A season in Scilly
One couple’s dream summer in the remote English archipelago
Tried & tested
Mirka rotary sander reviewed plus some winter protection wash
Advanced battery monitor
Installing the Simarine Pico Blue
Junk rig shakedown
Sailing New Zealand’s west coast
Cruising Notes
Life on the Rio Guadiana, a new ARC route, and Lochaline on Loch Aline
New gear
The latest marine products
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‘Mad about the Boat’ columnist Dave Selby: All you need to know about spinnakers
Columnist Sam Llewellyn: A brief history of booze at sea
Monthly musings from Andrew Simpson: Too close for comfort?
PBO products and services: Books and plans from the PBO shop
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News: And they’re off! 2018 Golden Globe Race gets under way… and more
Regional news: Anglesey tidal project… and more
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Readers’ letters: Your views
Ask the experts: Preventative fuel maintenance, Hunter Horizon draught… and more