Red carpet restoration
A 40-year-old Contessa 32, a former Joint Services vessel, is revived
Secrets of the superyachts
Stolen ideas from the superyacht yards to give you a little luxury
Round Britain in a Nelson
What could go wrong?
Forward-looking designs
Peter K Poland continues his profile of Bill Dixon’s best work, celebrating the Moody 45DS and AC41
Homecoming of a heroine
A restored Dunkirk Little Ship returns to the beach where she was built
Aft board restoration
Tackling a name plate’s heavy, solid mouldings can be messy
DIY electric outboard
A reader shows how he makes his own battery-powered outboard motor
Electrical wiring
There are various methods of connecting electrical wiring on board, but which is best?
Descaling toilet pipes
Loo pipe scale may be out of sight but ignore it at your peril!
Veneer made easy
Apply veneer to construction plywood – it’s cheaper than buying ready-faced ply
Practical projects
A PBO reader rigs his tiller to simultaneously steer the outboard. Here’s how…
One hull or two?
Can a monohull-loving sailor be swayed by catamaran comforts?
Learning from experience
Testing times for three friends during a sail on the River Blackwater
Hatch cover
How to make your own fixed companionway shelter
New gear
Battery boost start pack, underwater camera and sailing simulator tested
PBO Christmas gift guide
The eSail Sailing Simulator is among our picks for great-value presents
Fun on a Fairline
A new boater takes his family on their very first cruise around the IOW
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‘Mad about the Boat’ columnist Dave Selby: The art of racing: how to lose to win
Columnist Sam Llewellyn: Entanglement
Monthly musings from Andrew Simpson: Rise to a challenge
PBO products and services: Books and plans from the PBO shop
New regular chandlery offers
News: Solent ferry operator under scrutiny after third collision… and more
Regional news: Jersey sailors put at risk… and more
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Readers’ letters: Your views
Ask the experts: Brexit and boating, windlass power worries… and more