How to avoid and spot the 15 big problems you don’t want on a boat, the vital tasks you need to do on your boat this winter, the best sail and power boats for messing around on the river, how one sailor crossed the Atlantic by raft, truck and giant bottle... and more!
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The 15 big problems you don’t want on your boat
PBO’s surveyor Ben Sutcliffe-Davies reveals how to spot the signs..and how to avoid the problems
Let’s tackle that job list!
The boat maintenance tasks to do this winter
Lose the crowds!
Duncan Kent chooses the best boats for rivers and estuaries
More sailing..less maintenance
Rupert Holmes explains how to prioritise jobs so you get out on the water more
Anchoring in busy anchorages
Pip Hare shares her tips for dropping the hook
What is the best hat for sailing?
Clive Marsh argues his case for the Breton cap
One sailor’s unique Atlantic voyages
Fons Oerlemans talks to PBO about crossing an ocean via raft, floating truck and floating bottle
Cooling problems solved
Fixing a clogged exhaust manifold
Surface preparation
Tips from the trade to get the perfect surface for varnishing or polishing
Gelcoat deck repair
Step by step guide to repairing nicks
Into the frozen north
Sailing the Northwest Passage in a modern classic gentleman’s cutter
Boat wiring explained
Wiring and the best techniques for its installation
Ask the experts
Underwater corrosion and saildrives
Gifts for sailors at Christmas
Presents to suit all boaters and budgets!
Hot water onboard
Solar hot water system explained
Modified Dabber
The joys of sailing a Drascombe Dabber
Focus on new boats
New launches from the La Rochelle boat show