Upgrade your power; The best Scandi cruisers; Set up your boat office; Temo electric outboard on test; Install a meths stove and 22 pages of DIY…
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The best Scandi cruisers
Peter Poland’s pick of 28-30ft solid, seaworthy cruisers from Scandinavia
Shark surprise
Unusual beach discovery and insight into an endangered species
Silhouette bilge-keeler
These British pocket cruisers can be good quality bargains
West Country wonders
Sailing and working during a shakedown cruise in a new boat
Chichester hideaway
Exploring the tranquil harbour set in an area of natural beauty
Cruising with children
How to introduce young children to a life of sailing
Etiquette under way
The art of fender stowage and more!
Anchoring essentials
How to handle ground tackle
Tried & Tested
TEMO electric outboard and Sealskinz accessories
The exclamation mark!
A water tank confession
Yesteryear Cruising Notes
Tall Ship and Windfall yacht tales
Fitting a spirit stove
Swapping gas for meths for easier and cheaper cooking
Electrical revamp
Electrics upgrade for a Frances 34 Pilothouse
Collision at sea
Lessons learned when abandoning ship in the Med
Tracing a pesky leak
One owner’s detective work aboard a Moody 376
Hybrid power system
A perfect installation for comfortable cruising
Companionway fix
The PBO Project Boat’s rotten companionway step undergoes an epoxy repair
Using a tender
A beginner’s guide