Sleep easy at anchor
A twin-hook anchoring technique to keep you safe in the roughest storm
Power vs sail?
Should your next boat be power or sail? A helpful guide to deciding…
Yacht design by decade
Part two explores the huge increase in sailing participation and the DIY boatbuilding boom of the 1960s
Used boat test
Port-hopping in Mallorca and Menorca in an Elan Impression 434
Choosing a propeller
For optimum performance and fuel efficiency under engine
How to catch seafood
A practical guide to snaring and preparing tasty dishes
Hydraulic headache
Replacing hydraulic hoses following a steering failure
Giving up sail
Why Martin Yates changed from a Leisure 17 to a classic Elysian 27
Safe anchoring
A powerboater describes his hit and miss experiences with anchors
Fitting a holding tank
PBO reader designs and fits his own heads holding tank
Forward visibility
A step-by-step guide to fitting a windscreen washer pump
A summer delivery
Taking a junk-rigged Wylo on a gruelling New Zealand delivery trip
Defence of the realm
Of 460 Harbour Defence Motor Launches built from the 1930s-60s, just one, Medusa, survives intact
Practical Projects
Installing a portable echo sounder; a black ball fender ‘at anchor’ sign; safe mast storage and more reader tips
Cruising in a rainforest
An adventure along the Suriname River in a cutter rigged Bowman 40
Learning from Experience
Pan Pan was not in the plan
PBO Sketchbook
Fit a cockpit table for comfort. Dick Everitt’s illustrated guide
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‘Mad about the Boat’ columnist Dave Selby: Simply Oreful
Columnist Sam Llewellyn: Lights, action
Monthly musings from Andrew Simpson: Don’t forget the flopper stopper
PBO products and services: Books and plans from the PBO shop
New regular chandlery offers
News: Flare disposal under scrutiny… and more
Regional news: Investigation into grounding… and more
New regular chandlery offers
Readers’ letters: Your views
Ask the experts: A question regarding stern holding, a sticky VHF radio switch and where to relocated a gas cylinder