How to fix your engine at sea
Tips on avoiding engine failure and what to do if it happens
Boat shows 2019
Peter Poland looks forward to this season’s burgeoning regional boat show scene showing more boats than ever closer to where you live
Yacht design by decade
Rupert Holmes charts the designers and racing trends that shaped the cruising boats of the 1980s – influences that still resonate today
Westerly Centaur 50th fun
All aboard this summer’s golden anniversary rally to mark 50 years since the launch of a British classic
Used boat test – MG 27
A 27ft performance cruiser that refuses to grow old and can be snapped up for less than £15,000
Skiff construction
Jeremy Butler begins work on the first Western Skiff MkII
Custom stowage
How to make lightweight and strong wooden boxes to house fragile items on board
Fishing from a kayak
Stow a kayak on your yacht to open up new fishing grounds
DIY awning guide
How to make a bigger boom tent shade for a cruising yacht
Norfolk Broads cruising
Four youngsters enjoy a Broads adventure with their grandparents
Learning from experience
As if engine failure near a rock wasn’t enough, a Canadian sailor fears the approach of killer whales
Practical Projects
Med mooring passarelle, prop rotation reminder and more!
Wonderful one-man boat
A British boatbuilder is hand-crafting sea kayaks using a design perfected over 3,000 years by Inuit tribes
How to keep a happy crew
Cruising with others can be a social pressure-cooker but with a measure of structure it can be enjoyable for all
PBO Sketchbook
Legs let a motorboat take to the ground, says Dick Everitt
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‘Mad about the Boat’ columnist Dave Selby: Re-evolutionary
Columnist Sam Llewellyn: Corking ideas
Monthly musings from Andrew Simpson: Keep it simple
Columnist Marsali Taylor: Swanning around
PBO products and services: Books and plans from the PBO shop
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News: Consultation on red diesel ban… and more
Regional news: Devon seaweed farming proposals… and more
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Readers’ letters: Your views
Ask the experts: Outboard non-starter – should I go electric? Change of antifouling and renewing UV damaged deck paint