A Sargo 31 motor yacht

The Sargo 31 sits right in the middle of the Finnish firm’s five-strong range: Nick Burnham takes the helm of a boat capable of covering ‘serious distances at high speed’

POP Fender

The POP Fender doesn't squeak, is maintenance free and is fully recyclable. Katy Stickland puts it to the test

A headland in the UK

A suitable anchorage can let you rest and await a fair tide: Here’s our pick of some useful passage anchorages for cruising this year

A crew sailing an Elan 31 sailing yacht

She has been superseded by younger siblings, but does the Elan 31 look or behave like an outdated model? Not in the least, says David Harding

Boats moored in a French port

British boaters who want to spend longer than three months cruising in France will still need to apply for a visa following failed attempts to amend the French Immigration and…

A yacht with an orca

The Cruising Association is reminding sailors of its advice on orca encounters along the Iberian Peninsula, and the importance of reporting either an interaction or non-eventful passage

A boat fire at sea

For sailors, there is no hotter topic than fire on board. Sticky Stapylton looks at methods of prevention – and ways of dealing with fire should the worst happen