A double boat bunk made out of wood

Richard Rogers rethinks his twin V-berths to double configuration ‘without that annoying triangular insert’ aboard his Morgan Giles 30

A diver applying a protective marking solution to a bronze cannon on the Klein Hollandia protected wreck site. Credit: MSDS Marine/Martin Davies

For the first time in the UK, artefacts including cannons are being forensically marked underwater on some of the 57 Protected Wreck Sites in English waters which have the highest…

An RM890 yacht being sailed at sea

If you want an easy-to-handle performance cruiser that stands out from the crowd, have a look at the RM890, suggests David Harding

Anchoring single handed is easy in an empty anchorage but gets harder as more boats anchor

Ben Meakins tries out some methods for dropping and recovering the anchor for singlehanded sailors in crowded anchorages

Wilderness of Waves, YouTube video screenshot

PBO's resident YouTube aficionado Kass Schmitt shines the spotlight on Wilderness of Waves' latest video, which was shot in Lahiana, a town on Maui that needs support to rebuild following…