Homeward bound

The family head back across the Channel and take a look around Cowes

Exploring the Island

Will falls in love with Alderney and is able to enjoy that holiday feeling

Lucky escape for Evita

Evita finds herself in hospital after a nasty experience while trying to leave a mooring.

Ready for anything

Yanita is in better shape than when they arrived in St Peter Port but attention soon turns to the health of the skipper himself

Looks like it’s going to be tough!

On the final leg to the start of the rally the family are seasick, Yanni cuts his head and a crewmember does a runner. Will has concerns about the coming…

Brighton to Haslar Marina

It's an early start for the sail to Haslar Marina. Will is excited about the prospect of four weeks off work to go cruising.

Shakedown cruise to Brighton

The family take the boat from Ramsgate to Brighton, en route to Torquay, the start of the Biscay Triangle 2005.

Home safe and sound

At last - the Vandenbossche family are home in Ostend, after a cruise they'll never forget

Will Vandenbossche

'I've always wanted to be at sea, ever since I was little. I Joined the navy at 18, and been involved with boats one way or another ever since.

Round the island

The wind progressively decreased over the course of the afternoon to a gentle 10-12 knots from the south-east, but provided for some great downwind sailing up the East Solent


SUNDAY 21ST OCTOBER WE ARE HOME! SORT OF ??. This year’s Med and back cruise is over, but not yet finished. A paradox. Regulars will remember that we had been…