Tips for sailing in light airs: How to make best progress in calm weather – without the engine
PBO Tested – Mooring snubbers: Which will best protect your boat?
PBO Tested – Furuno’s new radar: Latest pulse-compression technology
New instruments using NMEA 2000: Ben Meakins’ Impala 28 receives a timely instrument upgrade
Troubleshooting a second-hand trailer: What to look out for when buying a used boat trailer
Mend and reinforce a blown-out spinnaker: A new lease of life for an almost-dead asymmetric spinnaker
Expert advice for tricky mainsails: If your mainsail is hard to hoist or reluctant to drop, what can you do about it?
Production boat adventurers: Tales of derring-do in off-the-peg cruisers
PBO Tested – On the water in the Orkney Pilot House 25: Not a short-wheelhouse version of the Pilot House 27, but a standalone model
Hot tips for heater fitting: After 13 years, David Pugh finally warms to the idea of fitting a heater to his boat
Southampton Boat Show preview: More sailing boats on the water than ever before at Europe’s biggest boating festival
PBO Tested – Top-down furling system: The Harken Reflex assessed
A key moment on passage: A reader’s key snaps off in his boat’s ignition, at the worst possible moment
Make a ‘double-knuckle rowing linkage’: and fit a wireless remote control for an anchor windlass, PLUS more reader projects and tips
Flushed with success: The process involved in carrying out a sea toilet service
Reinforcing the forestay and chainplates: Dave Selby prevents Marlin from succumbing to the ‘Sailfish smile’
Dealing with rolled-up charts: Hints and tips from the PBO Sketchbook
Making for Maassluis: A little-known refuge in Holland
Don’t miss Mitika!: An unspoilt gem of a Greek harbour for Ionian cruisers
Waiting for the tide: The editor’s welcome to this month’s PBO – sign up for PBO’s free monthly e-newsletter at: http://emails.timeincuk.co.uk/YBW_webcross
‘Mad about the Boat’ columnist Dave Selby: Not such a mug now, eh?
Columnist Sam Llewellyn: A Kraken sail
Monthly musings from Andrew Simpson: Making a meal of the leftovers
PBO products and services: Books and plans from the PBO Shop
News: Lessons learned from devastating yacht fire, new marine heritage scheme… and more
Regional news: Navigational warning in Brightlingsea area, Peel Harbour dredging delay… and more
Readers’ letters: Your views
Ask the experts: Replacing anodes, fuel hose breakdown, and more reader queries answered
New gear: PBO looks at the latest marine products