Join the sail revolution
New sail technology explained by PBO expert Ian Brown – plus tips on how to make old sails last longer
Bluebird K3 restoration
Malcolm Cambell’s world speed record holder from the 1930s
Three Beneteaus on test
Peter Poland compares three generations of Océanis cruisers
DIY cabin windows
Money-saving tips and tricks for making acrylic portlights
On a different tack
New boats round-up including a 20ft trimaran and a foiling RIB
Crew seeking passage
Joining a boat for a transatlantic can be an adventure in itself
Nine creeks on the Colne
Tony Smith on pottering about upstream without an engine
Rigging a Victoria 26
How much do you really have to spend to renovate a barn-find project boat?
Rejuvenate a tender
One reader’s winter project to restore an old tender, gaining experience along the way
Refurbish a cabin sole
How to make teak and holly soleboards look like new
Restoring traditional Whitby lifeboats
Mike Coates on the array of techniques needed to repair double-diagonal construction
Cruising French canals
Extended family adventure aboard a refurbished power cruiser
Learning from experience
Writer and broadcaster Paul Heiney on a North Sea scare
Dry sailing from Brittany
Can a UK couple really enjoy their boat kept ashore in another country?
Cruising notes
Planning voyages and maintenance online, plus a remote Scottish bay
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Waiting for the tide: The editor’s welcome to this month’s PBO – sign up for PBO’s free monthly e-newsletter at: http://emails.timeincuk.co.uk/YBW_webcross
‘Mad about the Boat’ columnist Dave Selby: Grounding with grace
Columnist Sam Llewellyn: The red book
Monthly musings from Andrew Simpson: Tackling the trade winds
PBO products and services: Books and plans from the PBO shop
New regular chandlery offers
News: Calls for new drink-driving laws for sailors… and more
Regional news: Major development for Sussex Yacht Club… and more
New regular chandlery offers
Readers’ letters: Your views
Ask the experts: Boat insurance to cover crew… and more