First published in 1967, Practical Boat Owner is acknowledged as the best title in the world for boat maintenance and repair advice, together with seamanship skills relevant to both novices and seasoned sailors alike.
It provides trustworthy advice and information for boaters by highly experienced marine journalists.
Our editorial team members are also typical readers – buying a boat for £500 on eBay and slowly restoring it through a series of published features over four years.

A man using a sextant for celestial navigation

Making a ‘mer pass’ observation is one of the simplest, yet most useful navigation tools for sailors to possess, explains Jay Renton

Sunbrella marine fabric cushions on a boat

Marine fabrics are increasingly being made using natural fibres, less harmful chemicals and longer-lasting colours. Jake Kavanagh looks at the cut of the cloth

A Cornish Crabbers boat, the Crabber 26 being sailed by a man near the coast

The iconic Cornish Crabbers brand has been bought by a team led by Ben Walker of Lagoon Marine. Production will continue in Cornwall

Practical Boat Owner August 2024

Sailing in squalls? How to protect your rig and sails; DIY rudder checks; How to service your outboard engine; Get the best out of your boat survey; The latest advice…

A man using an electric winch handle on his boat

Electric winch handles can help crew perform any task on board a yacht, regardless of their strength, size or physical abilities. Roger Hughes looks at how they developed