Seamanship tips and tricks

A man using a sextant for celestial navigation

Making a ‘mer pass’ observation is one of the simplest, yet most useful navigation tools for sailors to possess, explains Jay Renton

A boat heaving to

How tricky is heaving to, and how much does it vary from boat to boat? We tried four different hull designs to find out. David Pugh reports

A boat broaching while sailing out to sea

When the breeze picks up, how do you stop your boat taking charge and going where it wants? David Harding offers some suggestions for staying in control

A boat leaving a berth in a marina

Manoeuvring a boat into and out of a berth is one of the most frequent handling challenges facing boat owners – so don’t make life hard for yourself, says David…

The author’s restored his boat Blauwe Slenk over two-and-a-half years – then ran aground on her first outing!

Sailing in shallows means it’s likely that sooner or later you’ll go aground – but if you’ve planned for the eventuality in advance the chances are you’ll either avoid it…

People on dinghies learning dinghy sailing skills

What can a lapsed cruising sailor learn from a dinghy course? A lot, as Ali Wood discovers when she returns to the water for her RYA Level 3