David Harding sets up a direct comparison between Junk- and Bermudan-rigged Splinters to find out how they handle
Tips and tricks for sailing on rivers
Expert advice for tricks and tips for better sailing on rivers
Why won’t my boat tack properly?
David Harding offers ideas to help a Kelt 5.50 that won't beat upwind
Surviving immersion
What happens to your body when you fall into the water?
Are my new lights legal?
Practical Boat Owner's experts answer a reader's question about LED navigation lights
The nautical ‘rules of the road’ made easy
Follow this link to find the PBO Colregs Made Simple iPad App
Video: Tethers on trial
How to recover a MOB that's still attached to your boat
How to understand French VHF méteo weather forecasts
Understanding French VHF weather broadcasts
Practical Boat Owner: Radar collision avoidance
Rule 19 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea is often dangerously misunderstood. Simpy put, there?s no ?stand on? vessel in fog.