A boat fire at sea

For sailors, there is no hotter topic than fire on board. Sticky Stapylton looks at methods of prevention – and ways of dealing with fire should the worst happen

Boats alongside on a harbour

Peter Jones shares a technique for departing a pontoon with limited room for manoeuvre, against a pontoon or between rafts of boats

A man wearing a hat reversing a long keel sailboat in a marina

Long-keelers are known for having a mind of their own when going astern, so how do you let them know who’s boss? David Harding offers some suggestions

A woman wearing a red jacket and a lifejacket talking into a VHF radio on a boat

Seasoned boat owner Gilbert Park shares his tips for making your time on the water as safe and stress free as possible

A crew dropping a cruising chute on a yacht

For non-racing sailors, a cruising chute is often the downwind sail of choice: it’s nothing to be afraid of, but how do you use it to best advantage? David Harding…

Two people in a boat sailing in waves

Why the correct manoeuvres for the sea conditions will reduce hogging and sagging stress on both ship and crew

A man reversing a yacht to a pile mooring

Picking up a pile mooring can be a challenge – especially in a tidal harbour. David Harding explains how it’s done

Boat fuel economy - a boat with its bow up

Modern outboard engines are fuel efficient, but there are still ways you can get more miles per litre from your boat, says Jake Kavanagh

A man coiling rope on a boat

In these days of fin keels, bow-thrusters and powerful engines, using warps for marina manoeuvres might seem an old-fashioned irrelevance – but, as David Harding explains, warping can be an…

Anchoring single handed is easy in an empty anchorage but gets harder as more boats anchor

Ben Meakins tries out some methods for dropping and recovering the anchor for singlehanded sailors in crowded anchorages