Using a lifesling to make contact with and recover a man overboard.
Video: Man Overboard – recovery under power
Getting back to a man overboard under power
Video: Man Overboard – Quick Stop method
The RORC-recommended Quick-Stop method of getting back to a MOB.
Video: Man overboard – the reach-tack-reach method
‘Man overboard!’ It’s a cry that chills the blood. But most of us go sailing to relax and enjoy some time afloat, and even the most well-meaning of us will…
Nav in a nutshell: How to use a Breton Plotter
Breton Plotters are simple to use in practice, but tricky to explain on paper – it’s much easier if you have one in front of you as you follow the…
Nav in a nutshell: Shaping a course
GPS is not infallible, so it makes sense to know the basics of shaping a rough ‘course to steer’ on a paper chart, says Dick Everitt.
Nav in a nutshell: Know tidal vectors
'It’s easy for any sailor to remember how to draw tidal vectors with a handy little aide-mémoire!' Says Dick Everitt.
Sailing weather apps and websites
We delve into a plethora of sailing weather apps and websites in an attempt to discover which ones offer the most comprehensive detail and the best value
Rafting up the stress-free way
Sooner or later most cruising skippers are likely to be faced with having to raft up in a harbour. But it needn’t be a stressful experience...
Pilotage: 14 ways to get a fix
14 traditional pilotage tips to help you obtain and maintain a fix of your position
Nav in a nutshell: Coping with currents
Dick Everitt explains how sailors can apply knowledge of tidal streams to ensure that water flow is a help, not a hindrance
Nav in a nutshell: Electronic charts
Dick Everitt assesses the differences between raster and vector charts when deciding on which chart plotter to buy
Nav in a nutshell: Looks good on paper
Up-to-date printed paper charts are a good bet for identifying your position – but they do have their limits, says Dick Everitt
How to reef – expert advice from PBO Sail Clinic
How do you ensure an efficient reef with a roller-reefing headsail and slab-reefing mainsail? David Harding explains
Nav in a nutshell: Navigate with radar
Dick Everitt gives us a clear picture of the advantages to be gained from using radar to check our navigation
Using an emergency tiller
How to make sure your emergency tiller is up to the job should your wheel steering fail at sea
How to steer a yacht without a rudder: Jury steering methods tested
How would you cope if your boat lost its steering at sea? PBO tries a variety of jury steering fixes to see how well they help to regain control
Is it safe to use a tether?
Perceived wisdom is that if you fall overboard, staying tethered to the boat will keep you safe. But is that the case? PBO’s test team conduct some trials… with sobering…
How to tow alongside
Towing another boat in the confines of a harbour means that you'll need to set up a tow alongside. Here's how...
How to set up an astern tow at sea
We examine the techniques of towing and setting up an astern tow at sea, trying out the textbook theories in practice