With more than 7,000 visitors to the boatjumble, many of whom climbed our ramp, PBO readers’ feet must have caused more traffic in a day than many boat decks would…

Beaulieu Boat Jumble 2014

Mud, mud glorious mud interspersed with glorious sunshine made the 2014 Beaulieu Boatjumble one to remember for bargain hunters and jumble sellers alike.

PBO's Dave Selby boat jumble podcast

PBO's Dave Selby shares some amusing advice on how to make the most of boat jumble bargains, as buyers or sellers, ahead of the Beaulieu Boatjumble.


More than 8,800 bargain hunters flocked to the idyllic setting of the Hampshire country estate to root for nautical loot.


Root for nautical loot at this Sunday's Beaulieu Boatjumble