One of the forthcoming Golden Globe Race's four Australian entrants Shane Freeman is on his way to the starting line and is soon to round Cape Horn.
7 mast climbing kits on test
Going aloft to the masthead can be tricky at the best of times on a calm day in a marina – and even more so at sea. In our November…
UK Coastguard’s new AW189 and trial Jetstream stage rescue
The Coastguard's new AW189 helicopter and trial Jetstream aircraft came through their ‘water baptism’ yesterday after participating in ‘Exercise Top Cover’
ARC Channel Islands 2017 – Open for registration
Following the successful first edition ARC Channel Islands last summer, World Cruising Club are pleased to announce that entries are now open for ARC Channel Islands 2017.
Love on the rocks? – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
This just in: all the nice girls might not love a sailor after all
Editor’s welcome to the March issue – on sale today!
Tech should be at our beck and call... Editor David Pugh welcomes you to the latest issue of Practical Boat Owner magazine.
Tributes paid to celebrated yachting cartoonist Mike Peyton
Award-winning yachting cartoonist Mike Peyton has died at the age of 96.
March 2017
In the March 2017 issue of Practical Boat Owner...
9th Lymington Sea Scouts Boat Jumble 2017
Saturday 4th March 2017 9.30am – 12 noon at the Scout Hut, Kings Saltern Road, Lymington. 9th Lymington Sea Scouts are once again organising Lymington Boat Jumble, now in…
South Coast anchorage Studland Bay among Tranche 3 MCZ contenders
Your chance to find out more about six new Marine Conservation Zones proposed for the South and South West of England
MMO reveals Marine Plan development workshops
Next month, the Marine Management Organisation will launch the next step in the development of marine plans for the NE, NW, SE and SW of England.
Alex Thomson confirms his 2020 Vendée Globe vision
Two days after finishing second in the Vendée Globe, British skipper Alex Thomson has confirmed that he intends to do the race again in 2020.
Llandudno and Conwy RNLI lifeboats launched to assist damaged yacht
A 10-metre yacht, the Joie de Vivre, was rescued after sustaining steering gear and other damage when it struck an underwater object off Llandudno's Little Orme headland.
Armel Le Cléac’h wins the Vendée Globe 2016-17 in record time
French sailor Armel Le Cléac'h has today won the Vendée Globe, setting a new record for the solo non-stop round the world race in the process.
Small power boat wrecked on Guernsey beach
storm force winds rattled through the islands during January causing damage to sea defences particularly along Guernsey’s North West coastline, writes John Frankland.
One tack holds key to Vendée Globe glory
With 40nm separating Vendée Globe leader Armel Le Cléac'h from Alex Thomson and 350nm left to the finishing line, victory in the solo round-the-world race now comes down to one…
Round the Island Race 2017 entries to open on 27 January
Early bird entries for the 2017 Round the Island Race around the Isle of Wight on Saturday 1 July, will open at 00.00 on Friday 27 January.
Not the end for Enda
Irish skipper Enda O'Coineen has vowed to 'complete' the Vendée Globe by sailing his yacht Team Ireland - Kilcullen Voyager back to Les Sables d'Olonne.
Sea kidnappings rise despite plummeting global piracy
RYA reminds boating community to remain vigilant and to avoid navigating through waters in which pirates are known to operate
British contender Alex Thomson eyes Vendée Globe final assault
Friday the 13th might be unlucky for some, but not for British skipper Alex Thomson who has pulled back 85 crucial miles on Vendée Globe leader Armel Le Cléac'h in…