New data required to demonstrate the danger of poorly marked fishing gear to recreational boaters
All aboard Poole Harbour Boat Show
The event, which starts on Friday 19 May and is part of the Poole Maritime Festival, is promised to offer a marina full of boats and 200+ exhibitors.
Push The Boat Out 2017 starts tomorrow!
Running from 13 May to 21 May, there will be lots of chances to get on the water and try your hand at sailing and windsurfing.
Boaters urged act on the dangers from petrol-engine exhaust fumes
Ignore petrol-engine exhaust fumes inside boats at your peril - it’s indicating your boat may be filling with carbon monoxide, warns the Boat Safety Scheme
Unwell sailor rescued thanks to personal locator beacon
"A great example of how a personal locator beacon, when properly used and registered, can save a person’s life" said UK Coastguard's Aimee Phillimore.
Two bodies recovered after search for speedboat
The bodies of two men have been recovered following a rescue operation launched off the south west coast of Scotland.
Mylor Yacht Harbour consulting on extension plans
A consultation process is under way ahead of Mylor Yacht Harbour submitting a planning application for a £1million scheme to create berths for 30 more boats
Clipper Race to return to the River Mersey
The 2017/18 Clipper Round the World Yacht Race will start and finish from Albert Dock, Liverpool, it has been confirmed.
Dover Marina Open Day 2017
ANCHORS AWEIGH FOR DOVER MARINA OPEN DAY 2017 On Sunday 14 May, the Port’s award-winning Marina will host another open day offering fun activities for all the family. The event,…
Emotional homecoming for the pioneering Maiden yacht
Yachtswoman Tracy Edwards made an emotional speech when she gathered with former Whitbread Round the World Race crew and supporters to welcome Maiden home.
New video featuring practical advice for DIY users of antifouling paint
The British Coatings Federation Antifouling Your Boat Safely video features health and safety advice plus practical tips for people using antifouling paint.
Portsmouth Small Boat Channel update
Following some early observations, Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth have subtly revised the route of the Portsmouth Small Boat Channel.
Rye Festival of the Sea 2017
The Historic town of Rye lost both its Maritime Festival and Raft Race several years ago, but both events are being revived on 22nd July this year! Starting with the…
Thousands flock to sunshine-filled 40th Beaulieu Boatjumble
Boating enthusiasts turned out in force for a landmark edition of Beaulieu Boatjumble yesterday, which celebrated 40 years of nautical bargain hunting.
New host city for 2018 Golden Globe Race announced
The 2018 Golden Globe Race marking the 50th anniversary of Sir Robin Knox-Johnston’s round-the-world race victory will start from Plymouth on June 30, 2018.
Solent Boat Jumble 2017
Solent Boat Jumble – Sunday 7th May Royal Victoria Country Park, Netley, Southampton. SO31 5DR junction 8 from M27. Opens to buyers from 10am Adult entry £4.00 Car Boot Space…
Have a clear-out and discover new bargains at Beaulieu Boatjumble
The Trunk Traders area enables jumblers to clear lockers, sheds and garages and sell unwanted nautical paraphernalia from car boots.
Sailors urged to join Tracy Edwards to welcome the Maiden yacht home
Yachtswoman Tracy Edwards is calling for sailors to join a welcoming party to greet the former race yacht Maiden when she returns to the UK.
June 2017
In the June 2017 issue of Practical Boat Owner...
Salcombe Yacht Club Regatta
A partnership has been agreed with Salcombe Distilling Company who make the award-winning Salcombe Gin in a purpose-built distillery, on the former site of a boat repair workshop for the…