The single-handed sailor aboard found he had no power, lights or VHF radio after several abortive attempts to start the boat’s engine.
Evacuation of five crew from ARC yacht
The BM39 yacht Noah was taking on significant volumes of water, the source of which could not be identified.
A classic start for ARC 2016
Following years and months of planning, plus two weeks of final preparations and provisioning, 212 ARC 2016 yachts set sail from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Fortitude on forty footers as ARC 2016 fleet prepare to set sail
Although the average boat length is 15.51m (51ft), almost half of the boats sailing in the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers 2016 range from 40ft-50ft.
December 2016
In the December 2016 issue of Practical Boat Owner...
Editor’s welcome to the December issue – on sale today!
Here’s to a learning environment. Editor David Pugh welcomes you to the latest issue of Practical Boat Owner magazine.
Mission accomplished – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
‘Where’s Bart?’ That’s the question I was asked more than any other after my epic 338-mile two-month voyage to Southampton, writes PBO columnist Dave Selby.
Lone sailor ‘thrown ashore’ as yacht struck beach groynes
'The yachtsman regrets not calling for help until it was too late' said an RNLI Happisburgh spokesman
Woman with head injury airlifted after fall on yacht
A woman with a head injury was airlifted from Stokes Bay on Sunday after she was evacuated from a sailing yacht by Gosport & Fareham Inshore Rescue Service (GAFIRS).
Cruising Association One-day workshop
Planning on heading off into the far blue yonder? The Blue Water section of the Cruising Association is organising a one-day workshop in February concentrating on modern technology for blue…
Dave Selby appeals for Yachtsman of the Year award nomination
"I know I won't win" says PBO columnist and charity challenger Dave who wants to be nominated for Yachtsman of the Year to ram home the message that cost is…
Hooked, line and sinker – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
Why the art of anchoring is something to be shared, like it or not
November 2016
In the November 2016 issue of Practical Boat Owner...
Marlin’s Mission is ready for the Southampton Boat Show
Marlin's Mission has reached Southampton, marking the end of a 338-mile voyage in an 18ft Sailfish that has raised £3,650, yet PBO columnist Dave Selby has vowed: 'This is just…
October 2016
In the October 2016 issue of Practical Boat Owner...
French skipper and pet hen complete gruelling Northwest Passage
After 32 days, 3400 miles (6000 km) struggling against the cold, hunger, and fatigue, French skipper Guirec Soudée and his pet hen, Monqiue have put the Northwest Passage behind them.
First edition of ARC Channel Islands rally hailed a success
The inaugural ARC Channel Islands rally has successfully created a channel-crossing community, says its World Cruising Club organisers.
Novice Day Skipper sets sail
Newly-qualified RYA Day Skipper Laura Hodgetts charters a yacht around the Sporades islands and the Gulf of Volos
ARC Channel Islands: Blue sky sailing and exploring Guernsey
After a quick stop in Cherbourg, the fleet departed towards Guernsey with a light westerly breeze pushing them along. The crew of Midnight Wanderer said they were ‘blessed with blue…
ARC Channel Islands rallygoers reach Cherbourg
Following a sunrise departure from Haslar Marina, Gosport, ARC Channel Islands rallygoers celebrated reaching Cherbourg, France after a 70nm passage.