A salute to the Sailfish, ‘a pert piece of politburo polyester for the masses’
Dave Selby
A clubbing drives Dave to golf – Mad about the Boat podcast
For a sailor in distress, golf is the thin end of the wedge, writes PBO columnist Dave Selby.
Mission accomplished – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
‘Where’s Bart?’ That’s the question I was asked more than any other after my epic 338-mile two-month voyage to Southampton, writes PBO columnist Dave Selby.
Hooked, line and sinker – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
Why the art of anchoring is something to be shared, like it or not
DIY Doctor Dave – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
Emboldened by the lack of response to his first PBO practical article, Dave pledges to reveal how to remove your own appendix at sea
Not such a mug now, eh? – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
If you’re simultaneously a bit shallow yet out of your depth when it comes to echo-sounders, a cup of tea can confer great dividends
Ohm improvements – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
Formerly ohmless and happy, ‘analogue Dave’ is now going digital
August 2016
In the August 2016 issue of Practical Boat Owner...
Bon Voyage! Dave Selby sets a date for his 300-mile Sailfish challenge
PBO columnist Dave Selby has set a date for his charity challenge that aims to encourage more people to get afloat and raise funds for a worthy cause.
A whacking great outlay – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
The real cost of engineering solutions to a problem that didn’t exist in the first place, muses PBO columnist Dave Selby.
A racing uncertainty – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
Not entirely sure if he has what it takes to become a competitive sailor, Dave issues a treatise on the distinctive apparel, native cunning and persuasiveness of the racing breed
The application of remorse code – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
At boat jumbles, it would appear to be customary for buyers and sellers alike to feel hard done by, says PBO columnist Dave Selby...
My supply of ensigns dried up – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat podcast
Dave provocatively contends that an ensign can make a serviceable tea towel – and vice versa
The Firth dimension – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat podcast
When the movie circus rolls into town, Darcy-fanciers vainly search for Colin Firth – although PBO columnist Dave Selby and his dog Bart are the real stars-in-waiting
Full bed and boards – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat
PBO columnist Dave Selby discusses the prospect of opening a boatel...
The best kind of lock-in – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat column
PBO columnist Dave Selby shares a Lock and Bull story: a pub wasn’t a pub in olden times unless it offered a grandstand view of gladiatorial combat with lock gates…
Gracing us with their presents – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat column
To the seasoned observer, the sight of boutique branded sailor wear in the pub at this time of year signifies a successful Christmas haul as opposed to an intrepid bout…
Walking off with a prize – Dave Selby’s Mad about the Boat podcast
Despite subscribing to a leisurely sailing ethos, Dave finds himself accepting a sailing prize. Which had been won by someone else
Berth control for men – Dave Selby’s latest podcast
Dave Selby describes the tortuous boat-handling processes which led to him being rear-ended by a pontoon
Hitch horror and trailer trauma – Dave Selby’s latest podcast
Dave Selby asks 'Why must boat trailers be such a drag?' in his latest column published in Practical Boat Owner magazine.