PBO collision avoidance software gear test

Ben Meakins puts Raymarine’s new Lighthouse AIS update through its paces in Southampton Water

PBO Summer 2016 cover

In the Summer 2016 issue of Practical Boat Owner...

Nav in a nutshell: Shaping a course

GPS is not infallible, so it makes sense to know the basics of shaping a rough ‘course to steer’ on a paper chart, says Dick Everitt.

PBO July 2016 cover

In the July 2016 issue of Practical Boat Owner...

Cowes Breakwater

Mariners are strongly advised to remain 30 metres to the north of the Cowes Breakwater crest to avoid the surplus gravel, which reduces depths below those charted.

May 2016 PBO cover

In the May 2016 issue of Practical Boat Owner...