The Shilling boat with a white hull and white sails

Just 5m (17ft) long on deck and classically styled in wood-epoxy, the Shilling opens up a whole new world of sailing – as David Harding discovered

An office in a gunboat during the second world war

With the publication of the uncensored version of We Fought Them in Gunboats, Julia Jones reflects on the book’s author, Robert Hichens, and the role he and others played in…

A man reversing a yacht to a pile mooring

Picking up a pile mooring can be a challenge – especially in a tidal harbour. David Harding explains how it’s done

Boat fuel economy - a boat with its bow up

Modern outboard engines are fuel efficient, but there are still ways you can get more miles per litre from your boat, says Jake Kavanagh

11 yachts crossed the Cape Town start line for Leg 2 of the Ocean Globe Race. Conditions were a perfect 10 knots of south westerly breeze. Credit: OGR2023/Jacqueline Kavanagh

11 teams have crossed the start line of Leg 2 of the Ocean Globe Race, with the remaining three yachts to start in the coming days