A yacht, made out of plywood, sailing with a blue hull and green and white sails

A wonder material in the 1950s and 1960s, plywood is making a comeback. Rupert Holmes analyses what lies behind a new wave of plywood boats

SailTies app

Rupert Holmes tests the personal sailing log app, SailTies, which records passages, collates photos you take while en route and allows collaboration with other crew, groups and yacht clubs

A man coiling rope on a boat

In these days of fin keels, bow-thrusters and powerful engines, using warps for marina manoeuvres might seemed an old-fashioned irrelevance – but, as David Harding explains, warping can be an…

A salona 35 yacht being sailed in the solent

Can a boat that’s capable of beating the best on the race course really make a practical cruiser? David Harding sails the Salona 35 to find out

A thames sailing barge with spritsails with red sails sailing on the sea

There’s a lot to be said for owning small boats and chartering big ones...Clive Marsh looks at spritsails, snotters and leeboards

The Translated 9 crew sailed from Southampton to Cape Town in 40 days, 13 hours and 48 minutes

The crew of the Swan 65, Translated 9 have won the first leg of the Ocean Globe Race, arriving in Cape Town after racing 7,305 nautical miles over 40 days

A double boat bunk made out of wood

Richard Rogers rethinks his twin V-berths to double configuration ‘without that annoying triangular insert’ aboard his Morgan Giles 30

A diver applying a protective marking solution to a bronze cannon on the Klein Hollandia protected wreck site. Credit: MSDS Marine/Martin Davies

For the first time in the UK, artefacts including cannons are being forensically marked underwater on some of the 57 Protected Wreck Sites in English waters which have the highest…